vrijdag 4 maart 2016


Ik was heel erg ziek geweest - en herstelde nauwelijks - zat het grootste deel van elke dag alleen op mijn appartementje, dus wat kon ik doen? O.a. veel TV kijken dus...

Het zal deels aan mijn gemoedstoestand hebben gelegen, maar deels was het gewoon ' de Publieke Omroep' beleefde volgens mij ook een 'Gouder Tijd' - pre-VVD dus, hun Sander Dekker was nauwelijks geboren, dus kon hij ook nog niks slopen...

En zo waren er een flink aantal programma's die ik bijna ademloos bekeek...o.a. een serie waarin het onderstaande fenomeen leerde kennen; de Baka - een Pygmeeënstam  in de Jungle van Kameroen.

Uit de meest prachtige muziek van de Baka ontstond een band: Baka Beyond, ik kocht hun muziek en zag ze - volstrekt toevallig - ooit een keer spelen, ergens in Frankrijk. Ook mooi...

Maar het onderstaande is tegelijk ook het ongelofelijke verhaal van een jonge Amerikaan die wegging naar 'Donker Afrika', en nooit meer terugkwam, sterker nog; hij werd Pygmee met de Baka in Kameroen, kreeg er een zoon, en...ach, kijk zelf maar het is episch...

Song from the Forest - trailer

Interview over 'Song From the Forest:

SONG FROM THE FOREST - American Among the Pygmies Documentary From SXSW

Gepubliceerd op 9 apr. 2014
SONG FROM THE FOREST, explores the Bayaka Pygmies of Central African Republic, and the intense fascination it inspired in Louis Sarno, who traveled to the Bayaka and never came back. Filmmakers Michael Obert and Alex Tondowski share their documentary with BYOD with trailer footage and more on BYOD live from the 2014 SXSW Festival.

Michael Obert (Director) and Alex Tondowski (producer) - SONG FROM THE FOREST
Song From The Forest documents the life of the US citizen Louis Sarno who has lived with the Bayaka pygmies in the Central African jungle for the past 25 years. When Louis leaves with his son by his Bayaka wife Samedi for a journey to New York City, his seemingly utopian world goes off kilter. In a moving epic, Michael Obert sensitively draws the portrait of an exceptional person between two cultures, between giant forest trees and skyscrapers.
As a young man, US-born Louis Sarno heard a song on the radio that never let him out of its grasp. He followed the mysterious sounds back to the Central African rainforest, found his music with the Bayaka pygmies -- and never came back. Today, 25 years later, Louis is a full member of this community of hunters and gatherers.
Louis has a son with a Bayaka woman, 13-year-old Samedi. As a baby, Samedi became seriously sick. As he lay dying, Louis held him the whole night and promised him: "If you survive, one day I will show you the world from which I came." Now it is time to keep his promise, and so Louis travels with his son from the African rainforest to a different jungle made of concrete, glass and asphalt -- to New York City.
Soon after their arrival, there is a first surprise: Samedi, who had never left the rainforest and does not speak a word of English is far more comfortable with the US than Louis. The rapprochement with the world that his father wanted to forget and that his son now wants to conquer is slow, quiet and not free from setbacks. Joined by the contrast between the rainforest and the urban US, the unequal couple grows ever closer on the road.
Song From The Forest narrates their victories, but also their defeats in a modern epic in which the shared journey of father and son steers towards a surprising reversal of roles and gives the viewer an intimation that the African rainforest and urban America, these apparently separated worlds, are not all that separate after all.

Michael Obert (director), born in 1966 in Breisach on the Rhine, is an award-winning German book author and journalist writing mostly about Africa and the Middle East. His literary journalism appears among others in Sueddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, DIE ZEIT and ZEIT Magazin, GEO, Vogue, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and many other prestigious periodicals in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
Michael Obert became known to a large public through his bestseller Regenzauber about his seven month journey from the Niger's source to its delta. For more than 20 years, Obert has traveled some of the most remote parts of the world, forgotten paradises as well as regions in crisis or war. Obert currently lives in Berlin. Song From The Forest is his first film. )

Alex Tondowski started out as a stage actor in the 1980s in Paris, London, and New York. Following his childhood dream of Hollywood, he continued his career as a screen actor in Los Angeles and won roles in many television series, commercials, and films until his desire to return to Europe was too strong to resist. Shortly after his arrival in Berlin he founded Tondowski Films with his wife, Ira. Their goal is to support visionary directors to help them realise their ideas. "The story of Louis and his son is one that you dream of having the opportunity to make.

BYOD Full Episodes Playlist:
BYOD Short Clips Playlist:

00:01 Introducing Michael Obert and Alex Tondowski of SONG FROM THE FOREST.
01:07 Finding the story of Louis Sarno and going to the Bayaka.
03:52 Leaving the western world and moving to the jungle.
06:14 Teaming up and deciding to shoot the film.
13:10 Difficulties in the Central African Republic and Congo.
18:59 SONG FROM THE FOREST, Trailer.

Baka Beyond:

Baka Beyond - Spirit of the Forest

Een lange Documentaire-Film met daarin ook een hoofdstuk over de Baka:

Tribes Of Africa - Mursi - Pygmies - Ashanti - Maasai - Documentary Films

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