Als je als zogenaamde business-tycoon door de top van een groot deel van de grootste bedrijven duidelijk wordt gemaakt -op de meest expliciete manier die er bestaat; door weg te lopen uit het platform waarin het met je -de President van de Verenigde Staten- communiceert...
En als een Rechts en Gezaghebbend Medium als 'The Economist' je via de Cover en het Hoofdartikel diskwalificeert door je het stempel 'Ongeschikt voor het Ambt'!... Lees het eerste deel van het Hoofdartikel van The Economist hieronder!
Dan ben je nog net niet dood en begraven als de machtigste man van de wereld; dan kan je maar beter je ontslag indienen, zeker als dat allemaal al een half jaar na je aantreden gebeurt...
Dus moet de stem van het Amerikaanse Volk, moeten de stemmen van de Volken die Bondgenoten zijn van de USA, nu hun stem luid laten horen totdat deze Achterlijke Gladiool, deze schuinsmarcheerder, deze rechtse domme schreeuwer, deze egomane, licht (of ?) seniele bejaarde, deze man die denkt te kunnen reageren door te verdelen in plaats van door te verenigen en te verbinden -en vooral ook zijn eigen partij!- inziet dat het hopeloos is en hij vertrekt of gedwongen wordt te vertrekken...
En dan?
Dan zullen we wel President Pence krijgen; da's niet heel veel beter, dus ook dan zal het nog wel even een puinhoop blijven; in ieder geval tot en met de Verkiezingen van 2018...
Helaas; het is niet anders...
Helemaal onderaan ook nog 'Anderson Coopers Take'(CNN, Video, 10min)
Het Hersenloze Gebrul/Getweet ook zo zat?
Behoefte aan even stoom afblazen of reacties van gelijkgestemden?
Sluit je aan bij 'Counting Down Trump': dat kan --- Hier ---
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Donald Trump has no grasp of what it means to be president
DEFENDERS of President Donald Trump offer two arguments in his favour—that he is a businessman who will curb the excesses of the state; and that he will help America stand tall again by demolishing the politically correct taboos of left-leaning, establishment elites. From the start, these arguments looked like wishful thinking. After Mr Trump’s press conference in New York on August 15th they lie in ruins.
The unscripted remarks were his third attempt to deal with violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend (see article). In them the president stepped back from Monday’s—scripted—condemnation of the white supremacists who had marched to protest against the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee, a Confederate general, and fought with counter-demonstrators, including some from the left. In New York, as his new chief of staff looked on dejected, Mr Trump let rip, stressing once again that there was blame “on both sides”. He left no doubt which of those sides lies closer to his heart.
Mr Trump is not a white supremacist. He repeated his criticism of neo-Nazis and spoke out against the murder of Heather Heyer (see our Obituary). Even so, his unsteady response contains a terrible message for Americans. Far from being the saviour of the Republic, their president is politically inept, morally barren and temperamentally unfit for office.
Start with the ineptness. In last year’s presidential election Mr Trump campaigned against the political class to devastating effect. Yet this week he has bungled the simplest of political tests: finding a way to condemn Nazis. Having equivocated at his first press conference on Saturday, Mr Trump said what was needed on Monday and then undid all his good work on Tuesday—briefly uniting Fox News and Mother Jones in their criticism, surely a first. As business leaders started to resign en masse from his advisory panels (see article), the White House disbanded them. Mr Trump did, however, earn the endorsement of David Duke, a former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.
The extreme right will stage more protests across America. Mr Trump has complicated the task of containing their marches and keeping the peace. The harm will spill over into the rest of his agenda, too. His latest press conference was supposed to be about his plans to improve America’s infrastructure, which will require the support of Democrats. He needlessly set back those efforts, as he has so often in the past. “Infrastructure week” in June was drowned out by an investigation into Russian meddling in the election—an investigation Mr Trump helped bring about by firing the director of the FBI in a fit of pique. Likewise, repealing Obamacare collapsed partly because he lacked the knowledge and charisma to win over rebel Republicans. He reacted to that setback by belittling the leader of the Senate Republicans, whose help he needs to pass legislation. So much for getting things done.
Mr Trump’s inept politics stem from a moral failure. Some counter-demonstrators were indeed violent, and Mr Trump could have included harsh words against them somewhere in his remarks. But to equate the protest and the counter-protest reveals his shallowness. Video footage shows marchers carrying fascist banners, waving torches, brandishing sticks and shields, chanting “Jews will not replace us”. Footage of the counter-demonstration mostly shows average citizens shouting down their opponents. And they were right to do so: white supremacists and neo-Nazis yearn for a society based on race, which America fought a world war to prevent. Mr Trump’s seemingly heartfelt defence of those marching to defend Confederate statues spoke to the degree to which white grievance and angry, sour nostalgia is part of his world view.
At the root of it all is Mr Trump’s temperament. In difficult times a president has a duty to unite the nation. Mr Trump tried in Monday’s press conference, but could not sustain the effort for even 24 hours because he cannot get beyond himself. A president needs to rise above the point-scoring and to act in the national interest. Mr Trump cannot see beyond the latest slight......
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